Sunday, January 16, 2011

Message from Mack

Hey Silvertree Members

Today marked the start of our 2011 campaign,with our first Sunday training session at which started at Mowbray swimming baths and 10km run to and around Rondebosch Common and back to Mowbray.

It ended with a warm down session in the pool.

FYI: When accessing this blog ,please be sure to log with your own email address, and please feel free to invite all friends in your contacts directory.

Also if you want to post a comment you have to subscribe or log into the site.

Its the perfect forum for airing you opinions in a constructive manner. Please feel free to share ideas, views, ways in which we can improve the functioning of the club.


  1. Big thumbs up to Silvertree's online presence! Let's keep it alive people!

  2. Thanks Yusuf and remember to invite your friends to come and interact with us.
